Today in a world of digital products and services, it is very important to know how and what they are. So Reviews of these services are of utmost importance as they describe what they are? This Blog is dedicated to these very aspects. The Best and Fastest Reviews.

My Domain-Blogonicles and the blog.

Choosing a domain name can be the most difficult task when it comes to popularizing it, keeping it unique and last but not the least-a short and decent URL which can describe what is it all about. Keeping all these in mind I once came up with the idea of can think really fast. Just Kidding!) as it describes something about speed and tried registering it, but to my utter dismay it had already been taken and do you believe who took the domain, a fast food delivery service( serves their name right though).

My first attempt failed and then I started thinking over the other possibilities.
Many names filled my mind but not one was decent and now I was in trouble.
It was Sunday and I sat down to think of some decent domain names which would suit my Blog for reviews right, all domains had already been taken( I mean domains with the word review in it). I thought that if I take a break and rest for a lil while I could relax a lil bit and as you know good things come up when your mind is fresh,
I sat down over the idiot box to see what was going in the channels.
All the crap news and soaps and old boring shows were being shown, it had no good effect on me except the soporific effect that it cast on me. As I was scattering through all channels I found this sweet lil movie "The Chronicles of Narnia"( I think you already got it). The Word chronicles lingered my mind and that was it- Chronicles means Tales i.e. Story and my website i.e. a blog was all about chronicles of digital products and services and you know it sounds so decent.
But then I grew sad as I thought it was also taken, and did not bother to check as I had by that time grown indifferent to this crap jukebox of mine.
I did not look at the computer and internet that day and tried to maintain distance and avoided it. Next day as I wanted to look over which blog(story blog,most probably) had taken the domain but guess what, I got the 404 Quite common error and it made me happy for the first time. I made no delays, I opened my wallet and reached for the credit card and in an hour everything was done. was my target place.
My Domain and URL was set up and I thank the accidental nature for this lovely gift.
I now love the word Chronicles so much that I registered one more blog on music with the URL and it is about home recording, piano and Guitar.
That is my story regarding Chronicles, My Chronicles.

Now as I did not have too much money to invest such and such I did not go for website hosting. My little mind freaked again and I thought lets try free domain hosting and see the results, got some sites also but what happens is that they have a bandwidth limit and once you cross that, An Annoying, The Most Annoying to me(This website is out of the bandwidth limit and all that crap message), this damn message comes and now I know that most bestest things are free on the net and then why not something legal, blogger provided the answer and it doesn't have that bandwidth limit(althought it has the 1GB file hosting and inn blogs you don't need that much) and all those annoying messages and so I landed on blogger and changed the template and I think of staying with it as long as I can.
Until Next Time, Admin


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